The Web Behind the Trump / Biden Voter Guide
I recently saw someone share a “voter guide” comparing Donald Trump and Joe Biden. It was obvious how the creators of the guide wanted you to vote.
It immediately brought to mind the “voter guides” published by the Faith & Freedom Coalition, based out of Virginia, for our 2018 Texas elections. These were distributed through churches, and just as obviously made it clear who to vote for.
Digging into the Trump / Biden guide, it was published by a group called “Million Voices”. A trip to their website and you can see it is a faith based org with 10 “guiding truths”. There is some fuzzy stuff among the 10, but it is Christian nationalist at the core.
Now, let’s go down the rabbit hole! (please, stay with me) Million Voices is a “ministry” of a group called Vision America. Another Christian nationalist group whose focus is on “bringing a spiritual awakening in our nation”.
Vision America is one of the featured partners of a site called This is a Christian nationalist group who create religious tests for candidates.
Who besides Vision America are featured partners of iVoterGuide? I’m so glad you asked! You’ve got the American Family Association and Family Research Council. Go look up what they are about. Hint: both are pretty virulently anti LGBTQ.
Texas Values Action is a partner of iVoterGuide too. Texas Values were the group behind the “Save Chick fil A” nonsense last year. It was never about a chicken sandwich.
The Texas Home School Coalition is a partner of iVoterGuide. This is one of the groups Farris Wilks likes to give lots of money to. Farris Wilks also gives lots to Empower Texans (among other PACs).
WallBuilders is also a partner of iVoterGuide. WallBuilders is run by David Barton, a thoroughly debunked false historian, who pushes the idea America was founded as a Christian nation and there should be no separation of church and state.
WallBuilders is the group, along with the US Congressional Prayer Caucus, who published the Project Blitz Playbook. It’s 148 pages of model legislation designed to inject religion into our civic spaces and schools, and discriminate against the LGBTQ community.
The Truth & Liberty Coalition is the last partner I’ll highlight. This is a group put together by Andrew Wommack, a Christian nationalist mega preacher based out of Colorado Springs, who also runs Charis Bible College (where Barton has his “school of government”).
The Truth & Liberty Coalition are steeped in 7 Mountains dominionism, where the end goal is to gain control over the 7 mountains or pillars of society.
The Truth & Liberty Coalition counts among its “friends”, “influencers” and “leaders”:
- First Liberty Institute (connected to Texas Values Action)
- WallBuilders & David Barton
- Family Research Council
- iVoterGuide
- Allen West
Allen West, the gentleman who was just elected to serve as Chairman of the Texas Republican Party, is not only an “influencer” for Truth & Liberty, he is also an honorary chairman for the Congressional Prayer Caucus (the Project Blitz people).
West also served as the Director of the Booker T Washington Initiative for the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Yes, the same TPPF that has Tim Dunn as it’s Vice-Chairman. The same Tim Dunn who gives millions to Empower Texans.
This whole thing is such a crazy web of inter-related groups and people, I’ve put together this diagram to give you a sense of it. And know that I am only scratching the surface of the web with this.
All of the above, that’s why you can’t trust a voter guide from Million Voices or any other group like them. They have a Christian nationalist agenda. Their guide, also being distributed through the faith community, is about one thing: gaining dominion over this country.
Images and graphics are screenshots from the websites of the various organizations highlighted in the article, other than the web diagram I created using